Expand disk space of a Linux disk partition on LVM

Shutdown Linux VM and increase disk volume from VM “edit settings” option

Check disk volume map using fdisk


Add assigned space to the disk volume map

manish@finch:/home/manish# sudo lvextend -L +28G /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu—lv

  Size of logical volume ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv changed from <29.00 GiB (7423 extents) to <57.00 GiB (14591 extents).
  Logical volume ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv successfully resized.

Resize volume to make it effective

manish@finch:/home/manish# resize2fs /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu—lv

resize2fs 1.46.5 (30-Dec-2021)
Filesystem at /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv is mounted on /; on-line resizing required
old_desc_blocks = 4, new_desc_blocks = 8
The filesystem on /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv is now 14941184 (4k) blocks long.

Verify updated space

manish@finch:/home/manish# df -h
Filesystem                         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs                              3.2G  900K  3.2G   1% /run
/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv   56G   22G   32G  41% /
tmpfs                               16G     0   16G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                              5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
/dev/sda2                          2.0G  245M  1.6G  14% /boot
tmpfs                              3.2G  4.0K  3.2G   1% /run/user/1000