You can push streaming CSV logs/data into Elasticsearch using Fluentd with very simple config.
Consider following CSV data of Cars Make, Model, Year and Price.
Now, to take it down into elasticsearch, prepare following config in fluentd td-agent.conf file
@type tail
path /opt/sample.csv
pos_file /var/log/td-agent/sample.csv.pos
tag data.person # Tag value
format csv
delimiter ";"
keys Make, Model, Year, Price # Fields
<match data.*> # match tag
@type copy
@type elasticsearch
include_tag_key true
host localhost
port 9200
logstash_format true
logstash_prefix csvdata # Elasticsearch Index pattern
Restart fluentd daemon and you will notice data in file starts going into elasticsearch. To visualize data in kibana from elasticsearch, you have to manage csvdata* elasticsearch index into Kibana Index patterns. Here is how data looks like in Kibana.